Good morning from Cabo!! This is my first time in Cabo and I now see what all the fuss is about! We booked this family New Year’s Eve trip months and months ago and I’m so incredibly glad we did. We rented a house and so far the place has exceeded our expectations! We are a short walk to a private beach, we have a pool and a volleyball court, and our views are amazing! Check out my instagram and instagram stories for my latest photos! Plus, I didn’t wake up hung over here in paradise on the first day of the New Year! Winning!
Speaking of the New Year, HAPPY 2018! I hope you are kicking yours off with positive thoughts and even more positive actions! I’m not a huge New Year’s Resolution kind of gal because I think you can start a new goal any day of the week and any time of year, but I am supportive of someone taking control of their own life and sticking to those goals. So let’s talk about goals for a second…
Why did you make a New Year’s resolution or a goal? Are you trying to lose weight or feel better in your skin or get control of your health or become more confident? What’s the reason? No matter what it is, you have to decide how important it is and once you decide on it’s importance, you should be able to outweigh all the cons with pros and push through any obstacles. About 7 or 8 years ago, I decided I didn’t want to be unhappy anymore. I grew up around people who hated themselves and wouldn’t do anything about it and I thought that was just how I would feel the rest of my life. But then I decided that’s not the life I wanted to live. So I started working out, I started making better choices when it came to my food, and I decided to change the relationships I had in my life. I wanted to be confident, I wanted to be happy, and I wanted to live the life I envisioned. So that’s what I did, and I didn’t let anything get in the way.
For 7 or 8 years now, I’ve been doing what is best for me and no one else. I don’t care if I seem boring to others or weird to some, because honestly, I’m living my best life and I’m improving on my longterm goal every single day. And that’s what you have to decide at some point when you’re creating your own goals – do you want to obtain them or do you want to let life get in the way? You have the ability to take control of your own life, you just have to constantly decide that even when life gets in the way. 2018 is your year, you just have to remind yourself of that Set your priorities straight starting today and I promise you that you will be so amazed with what you can accomplish.
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday – Rest Day
Tuesday – Workout by myself – see video here
3 rounds of:
7 banded barbell back squats w/ 115#
1 minute of battle ropes
7 alternating dumbbell frontal and lateral raise
Then 3 rounds of:
10/10 elevated one legged glute bridges into 10 with both feet on bench and 12 hip thrusts with 95#
Then to finish I did 4 rounds of:
10/10 barbell elevated static lunge
5 fitball series
5 strict push burpee into a burpee pop (I made that word up)
Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class
Every 3 mins for 10 Rounds:
15/12 Calorie Row
4 Bar Muscle Ups or 6 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups / 8 Pull Ups
18 Wall Ball
*score is slowest time in any round
** goal is to finish each round in under 2 mins.
My slowest round was 1:57 doing 8 pull ups and using a 14# wall ball
Thursday – CrossFit Broadway Class
Back Squats: 3 x 10. All sets at 65% + 5-10# from last time. (12 mins) – I used 115#
Then 10 min AMRAP OF:
50 Double Unders
10 Strict Hanstand Push Ups
5 Power Cleans (185/125)
I got 5 + 53 reps using 105# and doing HSPU to 1 ab mat
Friday – Workout by myself – see video here
15 rounded hypers
20 kneeling banded hip thrusts
15 barbell hip thrusts @ 105#
Then 15-20-15 @ 115#
And 15-20-15 @ 135#
Then 3 rounds of:
50 frog pumps (sorry to the rando guy in the background, didn’t mean to frog pump your face)
15/15 shoulders elevated one legged hip thrusts
12/12 back rack Bulgarian split squats
Saturday – Rest Day/Travel to Cabo
Free Travel Workout:
Buy in: 800m run
20min AMRAP:
10 tuck jumps
10/10 weighted bulgarian split squats
10 decline push ups
10/10 jumping lunges
On Sale Activewear:
Don’t forget to check out Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale for a ton of on sale activewear!
Zella Shorts (40% off)
Alo Crop Top (10% off)
Gapfit High Rise Leggings (60% off)
Gapfit Train Leggings (60% off)
Nike Metcon 3 (20% off)
What I Ate in a Day:
After waking up, I started my day off how I always do – with coffee. I made a hot cup of coffee with a tablespoon or so of heavy cream, some liquid stevia and collagen.
For breakfast a couple hours later, I made a hash of ButcherBox breakfast sausage, apple, arugula and red pepper flakes.
Later on in the morning, I had a glass of iced Forest Coffee with a splash of heavy cream and some stevia.
For lunch later on, I had leftover instant pot barbacoa (recipe coming soon) with leftover cooked veggies from dinner the night before.
For a snack, I had a couple greek yogurt pancakes (recipe coming soon) while photographing them for the blog.
For dinner I had a veggie hash of kale, arugula, and peppers with some crinkle cut butternut squash that I roasted in the oven and a ButcherBox burger topped with Primal Kitchen mayo and Sir Kensington’s ketchup!
After dinner, I had a piece of this new Alter Eco coconut cluster (sooooooooo bomb!).
I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
Yummy day! Can’t wait for the Barbacoa recipe.
can’t wait to share it!! it’s an updated version of this one (but in the instant pot) –
I love your goals Juli and how you don’t let anything get your way! Such an inspiration! Just wondering how you worked on gaining your confidence outside of the the gym? Thanks!! Keep being awesome:)
i actually have a podcast about that!!
Perfect! I’m on it! Thanks Juli:)
Did you have to develop a taste for stevia? So far I’m not a fan but keep thinking maybe it will grow on me.
i use very little of it in my coffee, just a few drops, so it leaves it just a little sweet and i have no issue with the taste. i don’t like a lot of it though
Juli – what type of heavy cream do you use in your coffee?
whatever organic kind i can find. i’d love to get raw heavy cream from a farmer but i haven’t put the time into finding one!
Thank you!!
This is just the post I needed to read. You are so right about making up your mind and doing the damn thing. Thanks for the inspiration Juli!
do it up, lauren!!
Juli, you are inspiring! Get it! Happy New Year lady!
you too, kaylan!
Do you use any type of pre-workout supplement? I’m trying to get back into eRly morning workouts and I feel a pre-workout may give me a little boost. I will be working out at 5:15 am. Thoughts?
i don’t. i’m not a big believe in pre-workout supplements. whenever i’ve worked out that early, the only thing i do is have maybe 1/2 a larabar to settle my stomach. i just think of food as a supplement
I just love your Monday inspirational posts!