I would love to say happy Monday but I just woke up at 4:45am this morning to head back to the airport after two days at home, so I would be lying if I said that. Then American Airlines’ system was screwed up and wouldn’t take my TSA pre-check number. So I’ve been in a solid bad mood ever since I went to bed last night. I really shouldn’t be since I’m heading to sunny Palm Springs today, but I can’t help it. I got TSA pre-check so I wouldn’t hate my life while traveling regularly. But that’s just not in the cards today.

Ok, time to get rid of my b*tchiness and move on. It’s unneeded. Unhappy people are the worst. And as soon as you create that bad energy in your life, more bad energy comes your way. I sound like a major hippy when I say that but it’s so true. So let’s get on to some positive things! Like working out! Working out is the best!

And I just saw a woman fall flat on her face TWICE within 5 minutes. She’s having a major case of the Mondays. I’m just being a snot.

Ok, so in case you didn’t hear my podcast on Saturday, I shared my recent experience all about stopping CrossFit for a while, trying different workouts, and how my body and mind took to it. Well, my body and my mind were both not a fan of it. Since most gyms other than CrossFit are surrounded my mirrors, I constantly found myself obsessing over my body and how it looked when I worked out. Which caused me to workout more and obsess more. Which then caused me to gain weight from the stress levels I began putting on my body. And because of that, I started slumping into old habits and feelings of depression that I had in the past. So I decided to go back to CrossFit and after a full week back and then a half week last week while traveling, I already feel more like myself. Not back to normal, but better. And that’s only after a week.

Definitely listen to my podcast episode for full details, but it was a great realization that if a gym is making you feel worse about yourself while you are doing something positive for yourself by just stepping into that gym, it’s probably not the right fit. CrossFit is that place that is a constant positive environment that has me thinking about the task at hand, not the cellulite or the roll or any imperfection I may see. I’m so happy to be back at CrossFit and back to a positive environment. I’m excited to be back to my old self again.

Sunday – CorePower Yoga Sculpt Class through Class Pass

Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Snatch: EMOM x 12, Hang Snatch + Snatch. Hang on for both. First set at 60%, add as you go with fantastic form!

I did hang squat clean into squat clean and worked up to 110#

Then 10min AMRAP OF:

  • 10 OH Squat (115/75)
  • 20 Wall Ball
  • 40 DU

I got 4+6 using 85# back squats instead of OHS

Tuesday – Rest Day

Wednesday – Hotel Gym Workout – See Video Here

5 rounds of –

  • 10 dB snatch (right arm)
  • 12 dB overhead lunges (right arm)
  • 10 dB snatch (left arm)
  • 12 dB overhead lunges (left arm)
  • 14 burpees

And to finish I did 3 rounds of –

  • 20 lying leg raises
  • 20 scissor kicks

Thursday – Hotel Gym Workout – See Video Here

4 rounds of –

  • 10 DB squat clean thrusters
  • 20 tuck jumps
  • 10/10 DB Bulgarian splits squats
  • 20 bench jumps

FridayCityside CrossFit Class

Bench press – 2×4 then 2×8 at lighter weight – I used 95# and 85#

Strict pull-ups – Max set then 4 sets at 130% of max set reps (Use partner for assistance on reps. Rest :60 seconds between sets) – I did 10 reps for my max effort then 12 for two rounds (we didn’t have time for 4 sets)

Pike-ups on rower – 5×15

Then in Teams of 4 –

24 Minute AMRAP:

  • 15 cal bike
  • 5 hang squat cleans (185/135)

One athlete working at a time. Each person will complete entire round before next athlete begins.

Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class

25 Minute AMRAP:

970m run

In the remaining time (one person working at a time) –

10 hang power cleans (135/95)

10 kettlebell swings

10 box overs

We finished 14 rounds + leftover reps


Free Travel Workout:

For time:

Buy in: 800m run

50 air squats – 5 push ups

40 air squats – 10 push ups

30 air squats – 15 push ups

20 air squats – 20 push ups

10 air squats – 25 push ups

Buy out: 800m run

On Sale Activewear:

Zella Tank (40% off)

Nike Legendary Tights (50% off)

Adidas Crop Top (20% off)

Nike Flex Running Shoes (20% off)

Nike Tank (20% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

Once I woke up, I started my day off how I always do – with coffee at 6am. I made a hot cup of coffee with a tablespoon or so of heavy cream, some liquid stevia and a heaping tablespoon of collagen.

After heading to DIA, I had the beet salad with smoked salmon at Root Down at 9am. I got through half of it.

Once I got to Houston, I had lunch around 3pm at Local Foods. I ordered a giant veggie salad with chicken and a side of pickles and potato salad. I finished the potato salad and ate half of my own salad.

For a snack at 6pm, I had a handful of Made in Nature coconut chips.

For dinner at Zutro (formally known at Oxbow7) in the bottom of my hotel, I had a blood orange margarita then shared lamb ribs, octopus, had a plate of arctic char and veggies to myself, then I shared a peas and carrots cheesecake and some banana cream pie.


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Sara says:

    I recently flew through DIA & ate at Root Down for the first time… and I had the exact same meal! It was so so good. I wish my home airport (the Southwest terminal at LaGuardia… lol) had such a delicious & healthy restaurant.

    I hope you have a great week!

  2. DJDeeJay says:

    That cheesecake = oooooooh + wha? Could you tell us more about it? How was it?

  3. Valerie says:

    Hi! Do you wear any hand wraps, to prevent ripping, when you do CrossFit?

    1. juli says:

      nope, i never have. over time, you learn to grip the bar a little better so the tearing doesn’t occur as much

      1. Carrie says:

        Really? Do you use any products for hand care? My hands don’t rip but they look and feel pretty rough!

        1. juli says:

          i don’t. but i really don’t care if my hands look and feel rough. they’ve been like that for 8 years lol

  4. Tina says:


    Regarding TSA pre-check. Same thing happened to me last week. The reason was that the name on my Delta frequent flyer # didn’t match my TSA name. If you auto-fill your airline ticket, it will pickup a frequent flyer # and that maybe different than TSA. If it is different, call the airline have them change it else it will keep happening with that airline.
    Hope that works.

    1. juli says:

      that wasn’t the issue for me. it was just a computer glitch. because once i got through security, my ticket finally popped up as tsa pre-check approved

  5. Anna says:

    I feel you SO MUCH on the mirror thing. I workout at a typical gym a few days a week and definitely find myself staring at imperfections and overthinking things and yep, slipping back into bad habits mentally! AND I am sooo grateful for your travel workouts! They’re perfect not only for travel but when I have minimal time but still want to get a good workout in. So THANK YOU 🙂

    1. juli says:

      it’s crazy how some people seem to be fine with it but for others, it can bring up poor behaviors and feelings. glad you are aware of it as well! and glad i could help you with some quick workouts!