Happy Monday, you go-getters! I hope your Monday is off to an amazing start filled with delicious food and some motivation to get after it! Today, instead of going on and on about motivational stuff, I want to hear from you guys today! My blog has really evolved over the years because of readers. When people ask me to share something, I do it! Which is where my Weekly Workouts posts came from, then my Fashion Friday posts, and now my podcast! So I want to hear from you – what do YOU want to see within my Weekly Workouts posts? I started sharing workouts a long time ago then evolved it into sharing travel workouts, what I ate in a day, music and even on sale fitness apparel.
So what else would YOU like to see or hear about? Leave your comments below and I’ll be jotting them down so you can get the most out of your Weekly Workouts post every week! Can’t wait to hear from you guys!
Sunday – Rest day
Monday – Workout by myself at my gym in Denver – see video here
5 rounds for time:
400m run
20 dumbbell thrusters
20 push ups with hands on dumbbells
20 sit ups holding a dumbbell
Tuesday – Workout by myself at my hotel in San Francisco – see video here
30 minute AMRAP of:
10/10 one arm kb thrusters
10 weighted bulgarian split squats + 10 no weight jumping bulgarian split squats (each leg)
20 side skater jumps
20 tuck jumps
Wednesday – Rest day – Tastemakers Stitch Fix Event
Thursday – Rest day – Tastemakers Stitch Fix Event
Friday – Workout by myself at my hotel in San Francisco – see video here
15 minute ladder: (5-10-15-20-25…)
Pike push ups
Tuck jumps
Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class
5 rounds for time:
470m run (that’s our new route around the block at our gym – 400m would suffice)
20 kettlebell swings (70/55)
12 deadlift (255/175)
1 minute rest
I finished in 21:33 using 35# KB and 125# DL
Free Travel Workout:
See Tuesday & Friday Workouts
On Sale Fitness Apparel:
Nike Hooded Tech Fleece Jacket (55% off!)
Onzie Colorblock Track Leggings (25% off!)
Sport Thong Underwear (25% off!) – because people always ask what kind of underwear I wear when I wear workout clothes
Alo Moto Leggings (25% off!)
Alo Mesh Neck Tank (25% off!)
Favorite New Workout Music:
Starry by The Weekend
Let Me Love You by DJ Snake
Sucker For Pain by Lil Wayne & Imagine Dragons
What I Ate in a Day While Traveling:
People always ask how I eat clean while traveling or say that they find it impossible to. But honestly, I’ve never found it impossible. Sure, I go to cities that have more options, but I also just make the best choices I can, no matter where I am. I get eggs for breakfast, no bread at lunch or dinner, no dessert with grains, I try not to drink much, and I just make things work. No, I don’t worry about cooking oils because that would drive me crazy, I just make the best choices I can wherever I’m at. So here’s a little glance inside one of my days in San Francisco last week. Sorry for some of the ugly photos but it was either early in the morning or in a super dark room, there was no saving these photos.
When I woke up at 5:30am to finish up my blog post for the day, I was pretty hungry so I ate a larabar that I brought with me for the trip (along with other snacks). Then I started my day off with room service around 7am. All they had were omelettes when it came to clean choices so I ordered one with spinach, caramelized onion, mushrooms and feta and it came with a side of potatoes. I almost finished it all but not quite, but I did finish all the potatoes (even though I knew they were fried, obviously).
Since my breakfast was pretty dang large, I didn’t need a snack before lunch at 12pm. We were able to grab snacks if we needed earlier in the day but I just didn’t feel hungry like some of the other people did. I think it comes down to eating such a good amount at breakfast. At lunch we had a menu that was already created for us. So I got a glass of white wine, then salad with a light vinaigrette on it, and when we had a choice of steak or pasta, I obviously got the steak! The server had a pretty heavy hand when it came to refilling our wine so I finally had to stop drinking it just so he wouldn’t refill it and I wouldn’t be the drunk of the group.
After our meal, they served dessert. It was some kind of cake so I just ate the whipped cream on the side along with the strawberries and candies on the other side of the cake, and just left the cake alone!
After lunch and listening to some panels, we hopped in our bus back to the hotel and were greeted by these little coffees on our car seats. I drank a couple sips of this one since I wanted a tiny pick-me-up but also wanted to sleep that night, too. It was really tasty!
Once we got back to our hotel rooms, we had 2 hours to chill out and clean up before dinner, so I worked on the blog more and ate a handful of plantain chips that I brought with me then got ready for dinner. If you’re wondering how to stay your healthier on trips, bring snacks. Once we got to dinner, I was asked if I had any allergies and I told them gluten. This restaurant was a Mexican restaurant so they only had to change out a few things since everything they made was made of corn. No, corn is not paleo, but it doesn’t upset my stomach. So we had this little corn appetizers, one with bean and cheese and the other with some sort of ceviches.
Then we had this crazy taco that was made from a homemade corn tortilla then bone marrow butter, an extremely roasted yam and salt on top. It was bomb!
Last but not least, the sexiest pic of all, this giant fix with some sort of chimichurri on top. It was pretty good! Pretty ugly, but pretty good.
Everyone was getting drinks at this restaurant because they had really good cocktails, but since I had some wine at lunch, I passed on the drinks. I keep those things in mind when traveling because a drink at each meal can add up really quickly.
I’ve been a fan of yours for years! Thanks for the post- travel is always a challenge for me. I find myself making excuses about it being ‘too difficult’ to eat clean. But you’re right, their are options and, no, we don’t need to freak about cooking oils! I think it’s also key to just pack smart, like the larabars.
Hi Julie!
Thanks so much for polling your readers and asking for our input on content (and a huge thank you for creating such a helpful and inspiring blog!) . I am totally interested to hear your take on training the core. I know you do a lot of crossfit and full body exercises that tend to naturally work the core, but do you have any great exercises or work out routines that target the abdominal muscles? I am not normally a proponent of “spot” training, but i had a baby recently and, though I was able to maintain strength training for my entire pregnancy, I obviously didn’t work my abs. So those need some help…
just personal experience and what i’ve gone through, doing olympic lifting and full body exercises is what has worked for my core the most. i rarely ever do specific ab workouts, sometimes we have toes to bar or hollow rocks, but other than that, I just do lots of crossfit movements that include the barbell. if you’re doing those correctly, they are all about the core and core stability. and the more you do those, the more your core will improve. if you strength trained within your pregnancy, than keep that up! you’ll continue to see results if you continue to do all over body work and eat healthy. but that being said, i’ve never had a baby or experienced that, so it may be worth reaching out to women who have gone through that!
Love that you’ve had an amazing Monday! The roasted yam is calling my NAME!
I love the at home / travel workouts and music recommendations are always fun! Some others said this already, but I would like to try some of the crossfit workouts you post but I have no idea how to do some of those moves or what some of the exercises/ abbreviations are. I like when you post videos of you doing the moves so I know what they look like for the travel work out 🙂
you know, when i started crossfit on my own, i had no idea what all the movements were, so i constantly youtube.com them to figure it out and watched all the progressions. i recommend that! it’s super helpful!
Juli- I started following you on Instagram awhile ago! And more recently on snapchat. I have all of your cookbooks and love them so much. I’m not 100% paleo, but I have an allergy to gluten and more recently dairy. When I started my food blog over the summer, you were one of the reasons I stopped doubting myself, and just jumped in. I recently joined a gym and am looking forward to using some of your weekly workouts!
awesome! thanks for following along, valerie!
I am so proud of you juli!!
I love the pictures. I’ve read a lot of articles on paleo, but not many really include detailed pictures. I’m looking forward to seeing more 🙂