I can’t believe I’ve been on the road for 12 days straight at this point. I’ve been in 8 different cities, and still have 3 more to go after I finish this stop in Chicago. I’ve eaten all I can fit in my body, done WAY more workouts than I thought I would, and still feel pretty good even with not sitting down for more than 45 seconds. I take that back. I sat for 3+ hours on the plane yesterday while flying to Chicago. But that doesn’t count, because we were up at 3:45am. Is that even a real time? Ew. Disgusting.

I, once again, fell asleep with my mouth open while flying. So gross.

Anywho, I’ve loved working out on the road lately. It’s been fun to challenge myself in hotel gym, try new workouts like Orange Theory with Vanessa, and to stop in other CrossFit gyms to see what they got going on. When people say they hate working out, I get it. But having new workouts to try and classes to go to has kept me feeling great while on the road, even while eating far too much food in the meantime.

So tell me, what did you think of me sharing what I ate in a day last week with my Weekly Workouts post? Did you like it? Do you not give a sh*t? Tell me stuff because I’m trying to make this blog better and better just for you! What exactly do you want to see? The more stuff you tell me, the more stuff I’ll add! This week, I have two new recipes for you AND a post with all of my favorite PaleOMG football snacks. Stay tuned! But for now, let’s check out last weeks workouts!

Sunday – This workout was done in our San Jose hotel gym! No one seemed to be working out when we were there so we had plenty of room to spread out and do whatever we needed to do! This was the first workout I came up with for me and Vanessa!

6 minute AMRAP:

15 dumbbell deadlift & 6 burpees

2 minute rest

6 minute AMRAP:

20 jumping squats holding a med ball & 30 tuck jumps

2 minute rest

6 minute AMRAP:

12 bulgarian split squats holding dumbbells (each leg) & 6 burpees

2 minute rest

6 minute AMRAP:

8 divebomber push ups & 30 tuck jumps

Then interval sprints on the treadmill for 5 minutes

Then abs finisher:

40 leg raises lying on floor

50 russian twists

40 dead bugs

40 in and outs on benchIMG_8108

Monday – We did one more workout in the San Jose hotel gym before hitting the road to fly to San Francisco! This one wasn’t terribly hard, but the man makers sure did take a while! Who ever came up with those is a psycho.

800m run

20 man makers (row, row, push up, clean, strict press)

20 Suitcase squats (10 each leg)

30 weighted sit ups

600m run,15, 15, 25

400m run, 10, 10, 20

200m run, 5, 5, 15

Tuesday – San Francisco’s hotel gym was FREAKING AWESOME. If you are ever in SF, stay at the Marriott Marquis for incredibly stupid expensive valet and an amazing gym. There are multiple rooms for all kinds of equipment. Loved it and wish we could have worked out there once more. PS when was the last time you did a windmill? That sh*t is freaking hard. Sore obliques for dayzzzz.

20 min AMRAP going up by 3 reps every round:

3 DB snatch (each arm)

3 DB high windmill (each arm)

3 DB lateral lunge (each leg)

20 bench hops overs

Then 6,6,6,20 – 9,9,9,20 and so on!


Wednesday – I was pretty pumped to get to stop in at a CF gym while on the road. I don’t always like going to other CF gyms because I like the flow of my own at home and so I feel like I’m being judgy when I go to another one and don’t like it. Thankfully, CrossFit Paw was very similar to how our gym is run at home. Great warm-up, great coaching and great members!

Every minute for 10 minutes:

1 back squat at 85% of 1rm

Then 10 minute AMRAP:

10 power snatches (95/65)

15 calorie row


Thursday & Friday – I finally tried out Orange Theory for the first time! Vanessa is obsessed with it so I told her I would give it a try since so many of my friends have tried it and loved it. My first class was good, but I didn’t absolutely love it. But then we did it the next day and it was more of a power workout with lots of lifting and sprints in it and I loved that class! I think it depends on the coach, because my first coach told me that I was in the red zone too often. But when he told me to sprint, I would sprint and it would put me in the red zone. Sooooo he pretty much scolded me for working hard. It made no sense. My coach the next day didn’t say that at all and played some throwbacks that got me real jazzed about life. Have you tried Orange Theory yet? Everyone is obsessed. What do you think?

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Saturday – No workout – Travel day to Seattle which meant we drove 3 hours from Portland, which turns into 4 with Seattle’s traffic and my small bladder. Then we went straight to the hotel to get ready, then to Fedex to ship clothes home since our suitcases were too heavy, then dinner and our book signing!

So what workouts have you been doing lately to keep you inspired in the gym? Body weight, power lifting, spin classes? Tell me all about it, boo boo!

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  1. Olivia says:

    Love the workout and what I ate posts! Super helpful!

  2. Lisa says:

    So I really really love paleo, but I’ve been having more success with my diet focusing more on macronutrients. It would be SO so cool if you could start including nutrition facts with your recipes or if not then maybe just gravitating them towards having lower fats and or lower carbs so that it’s easier for me to plan. I really really love cooking but it’s so hard to track things that I cook that have lots of ingredients. i’m not sure what i am asking for exactly… i guess I just want more recipes that are simple and have a nice macronutrient balance that is kind of zone ish. 40-30-30. so i can easily adjust it to hit my own personal macronutrient goals.

  3. Christina says:

    Would love to see daily food posts as well! 🙂

  4. Kelly says:

    I love the workouts you give, I love the creativity you have for making them up. Im kind of a baby when I workout at home versus at the CF gym so these are always motivating to me. I love the what I ate posts and would love to see if you are doing anything different for your upcoming wedding. Im trying hard to lose weight before the holidays come so I can just keep it off until the wedding. Any tips you have for maintaining a size to would help! How do you get into a healthy eating/workout balance once you are just maintaining your current size. Thanks!

  5. Kelly @ Eat the Gains says:

    I love the weekly workout posts! It gives me ideas for workouts when I can’t make it to CrossFit. The what I ate posts are also fun too. If you have time you should check out Crush Fitness in Austin when you are here. It’s like orange theory but so much better and harder!

  6. stacey says:

    love the weekly workouts, what I ate and fashion posts.

  7. Jo says:

    I like the “what I ate” posts. It’s nice to see how other women are eating. Sort of like how someone else’s fridge is always more interesting than your own, ha ha.

    I’ve recently taken up indoor rock climbing and I freaking love it! What a challenge!!

    1. juli says:

      hahaha the other fridge thing is so true! and i couldn’t imagine doing rock climbing, so hard! nice work!

  8. Nicole says:

    Thank you SO much for your hotel workouts! My husband and I are currently on vacation in Florida and tried some of your workouts. They were amazing! Great way to start the day! !

  9. Rosita says:

    Big thumbs up for the What I Ate last week. Please keep them coming!

  10. Susannah says:

    Just did the first workout from this post in my hotel gym and it was tough but great! Just me and a bunch of dudes on all the ellipticals watching the football game. 😉