Happy Monday!! I wish I could say I was happy over here, but I’ve come down with a little cold and the fiancé is sick, too. Gross. I always wonder how I caught something and it really creeps me out. I think it’s because I have an issue with picking my lips. After accutane, my lips have never been the same, peeling almost every day. So I’m constantly picking and touching my mouth. And therefore, putting disease in my mouth, ewwwwwwww, I’m so gross. Like a child. Damn you, accutane. You’re the best, but man you suck. Luckily, this sickness fell on my rest day so I’m hoping I wake up tomorrow ready to kick ass in the gym again.
In more fun news, the Crossfit Games Open began. If you’re not a CF person or just have never heard of it, the open is a time where CrossFitters compete for 5 weeks (1 workout per week), submit their scores, and the top athletes in regions go to Regionals which then move on to the CrossFit Games. When I used to compete in CrossFit, this was a very nerve racking and anxious time for me because I wanted to make it to Regionals. Nowadays, I absolutely do not care. The only reason I am even signed up is because a ton of people sign up for our gym and I want to be supportive as a coach. Aaaaaand my head coach kind of forces me into it. Anywho, this week started the open workouts with walking overhead barbell lunges (which I don’t think they have ever done in past open workouts), chest to bar pull ups, and burpees. It was lovely. I am always down for more lunges. The more lunges, the better butt years down the road…that’s what I always say. Or do I?
Now let’s go get our fitness on!
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday –
3 rounds:
20 front rack double KB lunges
10 strict pull ups
10 bat wings
Then 25 minute AMRAP : See video here
50 wall balls
40 T2B
30 alternating pistols
20 calorie on airdyne
10 heavy deadlift
Tuesday –
EMOM x 12 – Alternating
Odds = 12 Alternating Pistols
Even = 10 handstand push ups (kipping allowed)
I did Rx with regular pistols and kipping handstand push ups
4 Rounds For Time Of: (17 min Time Cap)
500m Row
20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 C2B Pull Ups
I finished in 15:17 doing kipping pull ups
Wednesday –
For Total Reps:
With a 3 min Clock: 300m Run then Max Burpees Over Bar
– 2min REST THEN –
With a 3 min Clock: 300m Run then Max Thrusters (95/65)
– 2 min REST THEN –
Then repeat once more
I got 104 reps total using 65# thruster
Thursday – See video of movements here
20 min AMRAP:
25-ft. Overhead lunge (95/65)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25-ft. Overhead lunge
8 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
I got 201 reps
Saturday –
5 rounds:
300m run
12 power cleans (135/95)
18 hand release push ups
50 double unders
I finished in 20:51 using 85#
Favorite Workout Attire Right Now:
Nike Pro Vixen Zip Up (25% off – 5 colors)
Nike High Impact Sports Bra (20% off)
Under Amour Jogger Sweatpants (25% off)
Nike Roshe Run Sneaker (40% off)
Patagonia Down Jacket (50% off – 3 colors)
What I Ate in a Day:
I need to start keeping track of what I eat on a weekday because I always track it on a weekend and look like I eat out every day. Shame. I promise you I don’t, but I also promise you I eat out whenever I feel so inclined. This weekend included brunch with friends…twice, tacos one night for date night, and dinner with my bestie for 5280 restaurant week…ok I guess I do eat out a lot. Sh*t Juli, get your weekend life together!
But back to just one day, here’s a little peek at what I ate on a Saturday! I started the day off with a 1/2 cup of coffee that I add heavy cream and liquid stevia too. Then I gobbled up a mini paleo bagel from The Yiddish Kitchen topped with almond butter and jam before I headed to the gym.
After my workout, while I was staying late to help judge the open workout, a friend recommended I try Berrie Good, a new acai and smoothie bowl place near the gym. So I headed there and grabbed a protein bowl topped with gluten free granola and blueberries and bananas. It was pretty good, but I prefer my own smoothie bowl more!
Since it was so sunny and beautiful outside, I decided against cooking and did computer work instead. But since I knew I would need some lunch, I threw some chicken thighs in my convection oven at 425 degrees F for 30 minutes then I ate it with leftover braised cabbage and rice topped with chimichurri!
After an afternoon of computer workout, errands, phone calls and naps with my puppy dog, I ate a container of strawberry sheep’s milk yogurt. You can see the brand in my past post here. Then I got ready for a hot date out with my best friend to celebrate 5280 restaurant week. We tried out Block & Larder where we had butternut squash bisque, a 16 ounce pork chop, pumpkin risotto and coffee creme brûlée. I think the dessert was bigger than the pork chop, honestly. It was all pretty good!
And that was it for the day! Have you been following me on snapchat? I share all sorts of food, more pics of my doggy, and me just being creep as hell. It’s the best.
The Yiddish Kitchen book looks like it is custom made for me (Jewish and wanting to eat paleo). I’m sure since you mentioned it, it is amazing so I’m going to order it! I need to find your SnapChat…I enjoy following you 🙂
Yes, I love lunges because I’m always dreaming of my booty getting bigger. CF has definitely helped haha. 16.1 was gnarly, but I got my first C2B pull up and then 32 more in the WOD 😀
that’s so awesome!!
Try Qtica intense overnight lip balm. That has really helped my lips. Love your site!
that is an awesome score Juli ! I got 185 I was tempted to do it again I know I could get over 200.. but meh.. the pain in my chest was enough to suffer through once. lol
yummy yummy eats!!
haha i almost thought again about doing it once more more but meehhhhh. my butt was sore enough lol
Juli, I have eczema and constantly peeling lips. I used to use the EOS balm until I read that some of the ingredients cause MORE lip peeling. I need a lip balm to be able to wear any type of lip liner or lipstick. I read online on reddit that someone else with eczema swore by Aquaphor. Needless to say, I am ADDICTED. Its the only thing that doesn’t make my lips peel MORE and it really lasts, at least 4 hours even with eating and drinking. I went out and bought like 3 tubes lol!
i’ve actually use aquaphor since i went on accutane years ago and it does work for me, but after time, my lips begin to get a little weird and i have to go back to other chapsticks like coconut oil ones. those EOS ones made mine peel soooo bad too. i wonder what they put in theirs, so freaky!
very interesting!!!!!
Hi, Juli! Just wanted to share that I’ve had the same problem with my lips. On a whim I started using Eco Lips and haven’t looked back! They have every day ones (which admittedly I have every flavor of!), which I keep everywhere, but they also have treatment ones. I put “Repair” on every night before bed and have seen significant improvement! So much so that people have commented! They also have a “Revive” and “Hydrate”. Just food for thought! I get them through Thrive Market, but I’m sure you can get them elsewhere (maybe Whole Foods?). As a bonus, they are also yummy tasting and smelling. 🙂
cool, i’ll check them out! thanks for the recommendation!
I registered for the open for the first time this year and I’m so glad I did! It was awesome having everyone there for support this past Saturday for 16.1. I did the scaled version and got 210.. can’t imagine doing rx! By the way, I recently went back to your first cookbook for recipe ideas and forgot how much good stuff is in there!
What are your favorite workout pants that you don’t have to constantly pull up? I have just enough junk in the trunk and my pants are constantly riding down? Any suggestions that don’t cost a small fortune??
i like victoria secret sport and the zella activewear line (you can find them on nordstrom.com)
Your snap is actually the best.
yessssss. now you are actually the best.