This weekend was gross. It snowed almost the entire time, the high on Sunday was 6 degrees F, and the snow made it excessively bright so I couldn’t sleep at night. But the positive about snow days is that I cook A LOT. I’ve been craving oatmeal cookies so I made oatmeal cookies. I wanted a oatmeal bar, so I made a batch of oatmeal bars. I wanted crispy chicken so I made my air fryer chicken thighs. Then roasted carrots, potatoes, carrot fritters, and about a million other things. Including these egg bites. I don’t personally eat eggs because I have a bit of an allergy to them, but my husband absolutely loved these and said they were amazing. So if you think they suck, you have my husband to blame. Take it up with him. I’m 4000% sure he will not listen to you.
To get away from this sucky Denver weather, I’m heading to California. Santa Barbara and Santa Ynez Valley, to be exact. I know the people who live there will say something about how I’m not coming to much better weather, which is silly. The high in Denver on Sunday was 6. SIX! So 55-60 degrees sounds like a tanning bed to me. I have dresses I want to wear, short leave tops that I need to take the tags off of, and sure, I’ll probably be cold, but not bone-chilling cold. Last time I went to SYV, I wanted to move there full-time. And since my husband is coming with my next time and he just spent 8 hours on a shut down highway coming back from the mountains on Sunday (a drive that should have taken 2), I think he’s willing to move anywhere warm at this point.
Is this what happens as you get older? You constantly think about the future of politics and complain about the weather? Those are now my daily thoughts, along with what I’m going to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and every snack in between. I think I need to take on new hobbies. Like maybe boxing more often. Right now I go to a boxing class once a week and it’s one of my favorite things. It makes me feel incredibly powerful. I’m not sure that powerful feeling has gone towards anything other than eating all the baked goods I made over the weekend, but I like to think so. Like if someone tried to attack me, I at least know how to strike him in the face once I get my boxing glove on. My attacker will just have to be patient while I wrap my hands. I suck at that.
Speaking of attackers and Santa Ynez Valley, have you watched Leaving Neverland yet? Sorry to take a swift left depressing turn, but we watched part of it last night so it’s fresh on the brain. And quite disturbing. Documentaries are my absolute favorite to watch. Along with The Office. Once we started watching it, I started reading everyone’s opinion on Twitter. I got sucked in. We even watched the Oprah special with the documentary director and the two accusers. Here’s what I don’t understand – Oprah still has a show? Did she just come back for this or have I been in the dark? I’m not a huge OprahILoveBread Weight Watchers commercial fan, but I’m a huge Oprah fan. Where have I been? In the dark, that’s where. Eating my oatmeal cookies and bars.
Pizza Egg Bites
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 45 minutes
- Total Time: 55 minutes
- Yield: 16-18 egg cups 1x
- 1/2 pound italian sausage
- 1/2 yellow onion, minced
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 cup pizza sauce
- 1 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
- salt and pepper, to taste
- 16–18 pepperoni slices
- 8 eggs
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 2 muffin tins with 16-18 silicone muffin liners and spray with coconut oil spray to make sure nothing sticks.
- In a pan over medium heat, cook italian sausage with onion and garlic, breaking the sausage in to small pieces, until browned and cooked through.
- Add italian sausage to a large bowl, add pizza sauce, basil, salt and pepper. Mix to combined. Then add 8 cracked eggs in to the bowl and mix to combined one last time.
- Pour mixture into 16-18 cups leaving a little room in the muffin cup since the eggs will puff up while they cook. Top each muffin cup with a pepperoni slice then place in the oven to bake for 30-35 minutes, until cooked through in the middle.
- Then all you have to do is pack these guys in a sealed container and eat them throughout the week!
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I may be in Santa Barbara in a couple of weeks myself. It’s a great area, and Spring and Fall are best there. Can be VERY hot in the summer!
it says the average temperature in the summer is about 75 degrees F lol
thanks for the recipe!! there are so easy and adorable! already forwarded the recipe to a few friends 🙂
awwww thanks for the love micha!
I’ve been eating Keto for about the past 2 1/2 weeks and made these last night to bring for lunch at work today. I used a whole pound of Italian sausage instead of a half because more meat is always a good thing on Keto. I’ve got to say…Wow!! These are so amazingly delicious! What a glorious break from the typical breakfast/lunch food! Yum yum, nice work on this one Juli, a huge thumbs up from me!
awesome!! glad you liked it Katie!
This recipe is amazing! I love the pepperoni on the top!
awesome!! glad you liked it kristi!
Anyone else having issues getting the ingredients listed for this recipe? Love making it, but they have disappeared!
sadly there is a glitch in my system that i’m trying to troubleshoot, but here are the ingredients in the meantime! i’m so sorry for the inconvenience!
1/2 pound italian sausage
1/2 yellow onion, minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup pizza sauce
1 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
salt and pepper, to taste
16-18 pepperoni slices
8 eggs